Tread Carefully the Dragon’s Labyrinth

Located just a few miles north of McAfee Knob along Route 311 near Catawba is the renowned Dragon’s Tooth. This epic hike is short on length (just under 5 miles round-trip) but packs a keen punch that places it deservedly into Virginia’s Triple Crown mountain climbs. The first two-thirds of the journey up is aContinue reading “Tread Carefully the Dragon’s Labyrinth”

McAfee Knob: Bucket List Triple Crown Topper

Featuring arguably the most iconic geological formation along the entire Appalachian Trail, McAfee Knob draws thousands of hikers each year to this tailor-made photo opportunity. The incredible views from the rocky plateau are indeed hard to match.  Located a dozen or so miles north of Salem, The Knob is the best known of Virginia’s TripleContinue reading “McAfee Knob: Bucket List Triple Crown Topper”

Virginia’s High Bridge Ultimate Rail-to-Trail

As you note a slight incline and the heavily wooded trail opens up to reveal the High Bridge, the question of how this incredible structure five miles east of Farmville came into being smacks you squarely in the face. Featuring a span of 2,400 feet, a dizzying 125 feet above the Appomattox River and valleyContinue reading “Virginia’s High Bridge Ultimate Rail-to-Trail”

Devil’s Marbleyard: Virginia’s Premier Rock Scramble

Our first thought at glimpsing The Devil’s Marbleyard near Natural Bridge was an overwhelming curiosity as to how this immense, awe-inspiring rockscape had been created. The answer is not the glaciation I had first suspected (too far south), but a process of frost-wedging in which ice formation exploited gaps in the rocks to pry themContinue reading “Devil’s Marbleyard: Virginia’s Premier Rock Scramble”

Virginia’s Waterways Boldly Beckon the Eager Explorer (Part 3 of 3)

. . . continuing to wax lyrically on one of my great loves . . . kayaking the Commonwealth’s wonderful waterways. Rapid Classifications A quick study of how rapids are rated can lead you to the proper route for your group as well as highlight the tougher rapids that may need some special attention onContinue reading “Virginia’s Waterways Boldly Beckon the Eager Explorer (Part 3 of 3)”

Virginia’s Waterways Boldly Beckon the Eager Explorer (Part 2 of 3)

With spring upon us, I can’t help but wax lyrical on one of my great loves . . . kayaking the Commonwealth’s wonderful waterways . . . Ah, the memories In my couple decades of kayaking, we’ve seen every animal you can imagine – from turtles, beavers and snakes to catfish, bass, eagles, foxes andContinue reading “Virginia’s Waterways Boldly Beckon the Eager Explorer (Part 2 of 3)”

Scrambles Atop Turk Mountain Well Worth the Trek

An intermediate 2.5-mile hike pays off big at Turk Mountain . . . one of the better Skyline Drive trips from Rockfish Gap (I-64/Route 250) to Swift Run Gap (Route 33) in my opinion. Located just 12 miles north of Afton, Turk Mountain offers prime Appalachian views to the west for those that reach theContinue reading “Scrambles Atop Turk Mountain Well Worth the Trek”

Century Ride Ultimate Cap Trail Showcase

Saturday’s Century Ride, 103.4 miles from Richmond to Jamestown and back, proved a humbling experience for this cyclist. Testing the limits of my endurance and that of my trusty Finiss road bike, I now have imprinted on my brain the beauty and the nuances of each section of Virginia’s Capital Trail. Most importantly, supporters ofContinue reading “Century Ride Ultimate Cap Trail Showcase”

Don’t Underestimate this Key to Cycling Success

With “Rocky”-style preparations underway for my first attempt at the Capital Trail Century Ride in the coming days, it is time to make those last minute critical decisions that could determine success or failure. Bike condition, speed and time goals, water usage ­- all important considerations no doubt. But few choices resonate as highly inContinue reading “Don’t Underestimate this Key to Cycling Success”

Slate River: Chill with Dose of Thrill

For two decades, our kayak family and friends have looked forward to dipping paddles in Buckingham County’s Slate River come springtime. This hidden gem provides a relaxing journey with some nice Class I and II rapids that make for a perfect whitewater introduction for the higher end novice kayaker. The river’s namesake was earned byContinue reading “Slate River: Chill with Dose of Thrill”