Tinker Cliffs Sleeper Among Virginia Treks

Tinker Cliffs is a beautiful gemstone in the Virginia Triple Crown and actually probably my favorite of these three stellar hikes. Less congested and nicely shaded for most of its span, the hike northeast of Roanoke definitely challenges with nearly 2,000 feet in elevation change from parking lot to summit. The big payoff is aContinue reading “Tinker Cliffs Sleeper Among Virginia Treks”

McAfee Knob: Bucket List Triple Crown Topper

Featuring arguably the most iconic geological formation along the entire Appalachian Trail, McAfee Knob draws thousands of hikers each year to this tailor-made photo opportunity. The incredible views from the rocky plateau are indeed hard to match.  Located a dozen or so miles north of Salem, The Knob is the best known of Virginia’s TripleContinue reading “McAfee Knob: Bucket List Triple Crown Topper”

American History you can’t learn in the Classroom

As a Virginian, the American Civil War has always held a particular fascination. So when I found myself travelling through Natural Bridge with daughter Olivia after a strenuous mountain hike last week, I couldn’t resist a quick stop to further that knowledge …. at an unlikely spot along State Route 11 …. Dinosaur Kingdom II.Continue reading “American History you can’t learn in the Classroom”

Seeking Out Cool in the Depths of the Blue Ridge

Those jonesin’ for a hike but seeking refuge from the summer heat should look no farther than the Claudius Crozet Blue Ridge Tunnel. This 4.5-mile out-and-back trail features great parking at the eastern trailhead near Afton and a nice sweat-inducing incline for the mile leading to the cool temps of the tunnel. The structure, aContinue reading “Seeking Out Cool in the Depths of the Blue Ridge”