RVA Community Fridges Answers the Call

Fueled by the kind heart and fiery passion of local shining star Taylor Scott, RVA Community Fridges has stepped into the breach to address basic food needs in the Capital City with multiple cold storage units around the metro area.

Richmond’s Taylor Scott turned an idea and serious perseverance into direct community action.

This incredible growing local non-profit addresses a dire need directly by allowing members to bring non-perishable food items and even cooked dishes to various locations throughout the city.  Those in need are able to take items from storage, and the results have been tremendous and measurable.

Having spent many years collectively living downtown and knowing those that do, members of our family are keenly aware of the issue of food insecurity that many fellow Americans face. Ready access to healthy, affordable food choices remains one of a myriad of societal problems in search of creative community solutions. 

Kudos to daughter Olivia for being one of the incredible volunteers making the program so special. Olivia graciously hosted a fun recent Saturday family get-together as we created some great vegetable dishes and threw in some signature baclava from Lakeside’s 2M Mediterranean Market and Deli. For modest cost, effort and a lot of fun, we were able to fill a fridge during the recent cold snap. 

Check out RVA Community Fridges for more information on program guidelines and how you can play a part in this much-needed effort. Step up in 2023 …. wherever you are needed.

“To the world you may be one person, but to one person you may be the world.” – Dr. Seuss.

Published by Steve Guthrow

Passionate about using every minute to its fullest, exploring my native Virginia and beyond, and promoting healthier and happier lifestyles for myself and others.

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